Home Church Help

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Many people who gather in homes for worship and fellowship find that a prescribed formula for church meetings can seem pretentious or false. It is a fact that liturgical worship is hardly biblical. In the New Testament we do find some instructions for church meetings, but there is no prescribed order of events or strict […]

People Come and Go

April 22nd, 2015

In the last article, we talked about how having quality in church life can attract some people and also drive some people away. People “come and go” from Christian fellowships all of the time. Some attend for only one visit. Some stay for a few months and then never come back. Some stay for the […]

As you meet around the Lord in simple ways, quality is the goal, never quantity. In other words, we want good things to be happening in the meetings and within the relationships in the group. The number of people that are gathering together is not near as important as the quality that is in your […]

  A sliver of moon low in the sky. A little house with green floors sitting in an open green field. Windows alight against an expanse of black sky. Stars twinkling overhead. An invitation to come- come experience the Body of Christ.   A group of people come together: Young people, old people, children, babies; […]

Many people are concerned with heresy, biblical error, and weirdness in house church. People tend to think that house church can be “cultish”. First of all, the churches in the new testament met in homes. So it is not the meeting place itself that makes something a cult. So what is it really that makes […]

What we do with our actions is always our true message, as opposed to what we say. I will not use any names in this article, but there are men in the “home church movement” who have built big names for themselves, while their true experience in church life is questionable or limited at best. […]

Anything But Jesus

June 1st, 2011

ism’s and ology’s Imagine for just a moment that you and a close friend take a walk together down a trail into the forest. While you and your friend are walking down the trail, a brilliant light appears before you both. Suddenly, the Lord Jesus Himself is standing right in front of you. He is clothed in bright, glowing, white light. His […]

Home Church Hidden Agendas

December 19th, 2014

As you gather together with other people to meet around Jesus Christ, you will discover that not everyone is meeting together for the same reasons. There is a natural tendency to assume that the other people you are meeting with are united with you in heart and are in agreement with you. But this is not […]

Confusion of Public Sin

December 27th, 2014

Heb 3:13 “But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” One of the primary characteristics of sin is the deception that is coupled with it. When sin is introduced in our lives, deception is often […]

The Meeting Maze

December 17th, 2014

Meeting in a small group or home setting provides for a wonderful opportunity for the Lord to accomplish what is truly on His heart. It can also be a slippery slope involving multiple dynamics.

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