Home Church Help

Archive for the ‘Home Church Help’ category

A Letter to Men

October 31st, 2024

This article will be hard to hear for many. Many will disagree with at least some parts. Therefore, I want to preface it with a few statements so that some foundational thoughts will be laid in the mind of the reader as you move through the article. My wife is a true gift from God. […]

Beholding Jesus

July 6th, 2023

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Mat 11:28-30 The flesh consistently […]

This is the incredible testimony of Daniel Wrentz who was delivered from 30 years of torture by the power of darkness.  Download Here

Christians and Politics

October 29th, 2020

During this time of elections in the United States, there are many Christians who are heavily involved in political issues and the potential implications of the elections. There are many concerns in the world today which has stirred many people to become very involved. The following ideas and scriptures are presented to address the issues […]

Solution for a Busy Mind

April 19th, 2020

Luk 5:16 “But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.” Most Christians would probably agree that setting aside daily time to just be with God and do nothing else is an important event. Time alone with God is a time to connect with Jesus, our source of life and love. It’s […]

What Does God Want From Me?

April 19th, 2020

If Jesus Christ were to physically walk into the room you are currently in at this very moment, and He were to say to you, “Stop everything you are doing and come follow me down the highway”. Would you do it? You would not be allowed to go home to see your spouse and communicate […]

It is impossible for you to produce the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of theSpirit is the fruit…of the Spirit. It is not the fruit of you or anything that your fleshcan create or imitate. All you can do is first recognize that thequalities of God’s Spirit are true, and then yield to Him. You […]

Home Church Help

April 17th, 2020

Why Home Church? Home Church provides a simple and wonderful alternative to attending traditional church. The churches in the New Testament were home churches. Throughout the centuries, many people have met in homes. There are millions of people having church in homes today, but you rarely hear of them because they are not advertised or […]

One of the very first Christian meetings I’d ever attended during the 1980’s was with a room full of people literally crying out to the Lord to bring “revival”. “Oh God, PLEASE send your Spirit”, they said. “Lord, if you would only fill us with your Spirit!” I distinctly remember one brother saying, “Oh God, […]

The Christian life is normally a life of peace, love, and unity with God and in relationships in the church. But if you have been a Christian for very long, especially if you have been a part of a close knit group of saints sharing church life together, more than likely you have not always […]

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"From the Head to the Heart" is an intense and extremely detailed study on experiencing intimacy with Christ. Prepare to rediscover the passion and joy of the Spirit and to learn how to experience the depths of God's love in your daily walk DOWNLOAD A FREE COPY HERE

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Love Letter

Love Letter is an excellent book explaining how we've missed the passionate message of God's word. Click on the cover image below for a free pdf copy.

To order a hard copy of Love Letterclick here


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