Home Church Help

Evangelism and Outreach


As you are being built up in your faith, it will have expression (if it’s true faith). Evangelism and outreach can look very different through different people. We should never try to make others look like ourselves. There are many gifts and a variety of ways the Lord shows up in all of us. There are also different seasons with different emphasis.

The main point in this brief chapter is to tell you that having an outward focus is critically important. I believe in a healthy group, there should be an attitude and culture of working together. One of our primary purposes of being a group is in fact the work the Lord is giving us to do. There is plenty to be done. The vision of work should be part of a group’s identity and their purpose for existing. Remember that the work you do in the Lord is always unto Him. Sometimes you will see no visible fruit from your labors. But on the great day of judgment, hopefully Jesus will tell you that you did it unto Him (Matthew 25:43).

The Lord will lead you into a variety of ways to be outward focused. Here are some possibilities using some of the things we’ve done with the folks I’ve walked with:

Prison ministry: Visit the local prisons to share the gospel. You can also usually do this by getting clearance from the chaplain.
Free Food Handout: M.R.E’s (meals ready to eat) passed out on the streets, the gospel shared, and people prayed for.
“Widows help: If you are a Christian widow or know of one who needs help, let us know. We love to do things around the house, paint, or repair things.” We make a flyer with these words on it and pass it out door to door in a neighborhood.
Home repair evangelism: Offer free services to folks for minor home repair, yard work, and painting. A great opportunity to explain the gospel. All donations rejected.
Share the gospel doing street evangelism by passing out tracks and praying with folks for various needs they may have.
Neighborhood cookout: Go door to door and share the good news of Jesus. Invite people to a neighborhood cookout planned just a couple of hours later within walking distance at a local park.
Ship Bibles and materials to villages in other countries. If you don’t know of any, I can put you in touch with many in need.

None of these things listed account for all the things people can do all of the time that goes unnoticed, like having people over for supper or driving across town to eat lunch with a needy soul. What about smiling and genuinely caring for the person who checks out your groceries at the grocery store?

People are lonely. Very few people are genuinely kind from the heart. A kind word, a loving smile, and genuine interest all go a long way with people. My wife has a great gift for doing this. She is a witness for Christ all of the time. Many of the people we’ve known or have walked with in the church have come from her just being kind to people and loving people as she goes through her day. Anytime we deliver Jesus to someone and love them from the heart, we are a witness for Christ.

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