Home Church Help

People Come and Go

April 22nd, 2015

In the last article, we talked about how having quality in church life can attract some people and also drive some people away.

People “come and go” from Christian fellowships all of the time. Some attend for only one visit. Some stay for a few months and then never come back. Some stay for the long haul. The question is this: Do you have any individual responsibility regarding a person leaving your group or staying?  Or, if a person leaves or stays is it just a choice they make that is out of your hands and has nothing to do with you?

I sometimes hear people say, “What happened to that family that was coming around?” Or “Where is brother so and so?” Without a doubt, we ultimately cannot choose for other people. There are many reasons why someone may stay or leave a particular group and some of their choices may have nothing to do with you. But if someone chooses to leave or stay, have you ever thought that you maybe a contributor to their choice? Read more »

As you meet around the Lord in simple ways, quality is the goal, never quantity. In other words, we want good things to be happening in the meetings and within the relationships in the group. The number of people that are gathering together is not near as important as the quality that is in your midst.

The hallmarks of quality include having a group culture that is prayerful, worshipful, and scripturally sound. We want healthy and encouraging relationships that are both loving and based in truth. We want to encounter the living God when we come together, which requires humility, submission to the Spirit, and fervent, abandoned hearts. We want to have relationships that are devoted to one another and that will work out difficult problems and remain in the light together (Rom. 12:10). These are the things that contribute to quality in a fellowship. Read more »


A sliver of moon low in the sky.
A little house with green floors sitting in an open green field.
Windows alight against an expanse of black sky.
Stars twinkling overhead.
An invitation to come- come experience the Body of Christ.
A group of people come together:
Young people, old people, children, babies;
Familiar faces and new ones pour into this house filled with love.
Empty tin dishes once filled with piles of warm food for a hungry crowd.
Hearts and stomachs full from feasting together.
These aren’t just the people I worship God with, they are family.
Babies crawling underfoot.
Knowing smiles passed across the room.  Read more »

Many people are concerned with heresy, biblical error, and weirdness in house church. People tend to think that house church can be “cultish”.

First of all, the churches in the new testament met in homes. So it is not the meeting place itself that makes something a cult. So what is it really that makes some people concerned about the idea of “home church”?

Pastors and those in leadership positions in traditional meeting places often warn people about the dangers of home church. In some ways they have a point, and we are going to discuss that here in this article. However, it should certainly be mentioned that it only makes sense to question the “clergy’s” motives in warning us about home church. Read more »

What we do with our actions is always our true message, as opposed to what we say.

I will not use any names in this article, but there are men in the “home church movement” who have built big names for themselves, while their true experience in church life is questionable or limited at best.

I am not saying these guys don’t have good things to say. I actually like these men and appreciate their contributions. Some have done helpful research. The Lord can and will use these brothers. But the concern is that they draw men unto themselves and set a bad example of what we are trying to do in home church – that we would stop following men. Read more »

Anything But Jesus

June 1st, 2011

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Imagine for just a moment that you and a close friend take a walk together down a trail into the forest. While you and your friend are walking down the trail, a brilliant light appears before you both. Suddenly, the Lord Jesus Himself is standing right in front of you. He is clothed in bright, glowing, white light. His glory and power permeates you and your friend. Such an overwhelming experience of love, truth, and heavenly power is filling you both. Then, the Lord begins to speak…

But in the middle of the Lord’s first sentence, you turn to your friend and you say, “Hey Mike. You know I really think that the ”once saved always saved” doctrine is a load of crud. What do you think about it?” Your friend Mike replies, ”You know that I disagree with you. Once we come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus then nothing can snatch us out of His hand. But what do you think about pre-destination? You know I’ve been doing a lot of study on that subject. How could anyone possibly be a Calvinist?” Read more »

Home Church Hidden Agendas

December 19th, 2014

As you gather together with other people to meet around Jesus Christ, you will discover that not everyone is meeting together for the same reasons. There is a natural tendency to assume that the other people you are meeting with are united with you in heart and are in agreement with you. But this is not always the case.

There are many reasons why it may appeal to someone to gather in homes or in a small group setting. Some of these reasons are more harmless than others. For example, someone may want to meet in a home church setting primarily in order to avoid having to dress up, act ceremonial, or behave formally during the weekly church meeting. Although this type of reason may not be extremely noble, it probably will not cause wide spread damage to others. But again, not all reasons and motives for meeting in a home fellowship are quite as mild as this example.

Potentially damaging motives are when brothers and sisters attend the church meeting with “an agenda” in mind. A person has an agenda when their primary reason for gathering is to change the group in some manner. It usually means they are viewing the group as a ministry project or they see themselves as God’s worker, sent to the group to help them (without the group agreeing to this). A person who has an agenda has a primary motivation to introduce and propagate change according to their particular “cause”. Read more »

Confusion of Public Sin

December 27th, 2014

Heb 3:13 “But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”

One of the primary characteristics of sin is the deception that is coupled with it. When sin is introduced in our lives, deception is often a close counterpart. In the account of the first sin in Genesis 3, Satan used deception in order to achieve the goal of Adam and Eve sinning against God.

Gen 3:4 “The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die!”

1Ti 2:14 “… but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.”

We often allow ourselves to be deceived in order to commit sin. When sin is accomplished, our judgment remains skewed as we continue in our slumber and the fog of deception. The deceit continues as we justify our actions and give reasons that excuse our deeds. Only repentance and humility can wake us up from sin’s deceit.

When Sin Becomes Public

When sin takes place in the body of Christ and many are affected by it, deception is still at work as sin’s companion. Not only are the effects of sin proliferated throughout the church, but deceit and deception are also broadcast corporately as seeds spreading throughout the body. Read more »

The Meeting Maze

December 17th, 2014

Meeting in a small group or home setting provides for a wonderful opportunity for the Lord to accomplish what is truly on His heart. It can also be a slippery slope involving multiple dynamics. Read more »

Adam and Eve

September 10th, 2014

“she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” Genesis 3:6

 Adam put up no resistance whatsoever when his wife gave him fruit that would “open their eyes” in spite of what God commanded him.  Eve was calling the shots and subtly causing her husband to submit to her DESIRE. She began seeking happiness outside of what her husband and God had for her in the Garden. She exploited Adam’s weakness, which was giving in to her desires, and to submitting to her desire. By eating FIRST and causing her own death, Eve had the perfect plan. She could have wisdom and her desire and bring her husband with her but only if she ate first. Adam would not let Eve die alone even though he was not deceived according to Paul. He chose her over the Lord, chose her over all the whole world and brothers and sisters that would come from her womb, even choosing to die with her in her deception and sin.

Read more »

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