Home Church Help



Why There Are Typos On This Site

Since this site was launched a few years ago, I’ve had several people point out to me that there are typos and many grammatical errors on this site. I appreciate their willingness to point this out to me. People are welcomed to send in notifications of the various typos.

I totally understand that to many, it is just plain wrong to have typos and grammatical errors in any kind of writing that the general public may see. I totally understand that this is distracting at times for the reader. I certainly haven’t gone out of my way to create errors and typos. During the writing process I took the suggestions of the spell checker and corrected along the way. But obviously the spell checker doesn’t catch everything.

My personality is such that I’m not into making great impressions or being correct in everything, let alone being polished. I realize this makes me look bad and careless at times. The entire message of this web site is about being real, simplicity, and the power of weakness. The Lord actually uses our weakness and makes it into a strength.

The truth is this: I’m just a regular guy who happens to type wrong sometimes. I am also not very good at grammer, nor am I skilled in the correct use of punctuation.   The point of writing is to communicate the content and the message itself. The point is not so much making a perfect presentation. It’s OK with me if I come across a little sloppy or uneducated. English teachers: feel free to cringe.

So, I will remain consistent with the message of this website by not polishing it up too much. I think that too much editing changes the tone and ruins the flow. I write how I talk and the majority of people have reported to me that they like this style of writing. Most find it refreshing.

If I was to spend too much energy correcting all the typos in my writing, I would probably mess things up, just like men have done with the church when they are more concerned with how it all looks rather than just living out the fact that we are just regular people who love Jesus. So the bottom line is that I really don’t think the Lord cares that I have typos. Therefore, the typos will stay.

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